My Year-Round Daily Skin Care Product for Acne

It’s incredibly important to switch up your daily skin care routine as the seasons change. When the climate shifts, our skin tends to follow suit. Whether it be incorporating more moisture, or oil-absorbing masks, a few tweaks here and there will keep your skin in check. Throughout the year, you can find me switching up my cleanser (though I have my favorites), my moisturizer, my eye creams and my makeup removers. However, one skin care product I use daily no matter what time of year is my acne treatment.

It's good to change up your skin care routine with the seasons, but this daily skin care product for acne is my daily go-to year round. Get it for just the price of shipping! | Slashed Beauty

If you’ve been following me for several years, you might remember my journey with Pocketderm for customized acne treatment. Well, the company actually rebranded about a year ago and is now Curology. New name, but same game: providing customized acne treatment via online consultations with licensed dermatologists, all for one low monthly price.

It's good to change up your skin care routine with the seasons, but this daily skin care product for acne is my daily go-to year round. Get it for just the price of shipping! | Slashed Beauty

When you sign up, you take a survey about your skin concerns, where you experience those concerns, your skin type and your skin habits. When they have all the info they need, they assign you to a dermatologist that is at your disposal for any skin questions during your treatment. Then, you start getting your prescription acne cream delivered straight to your door regularly! The active ingredients and their concentrations are customized to your concerns. These can also be adjusted by talking to your dermatologist and updating them on your results. I’ve been on the same formula for a while now: .09% Tretinoin (Retin-A), 1% Clindamycin and 5% Azelaic Acid. Other ingredients include aloe vera leaf juice, Vitamin C, and sweet almond seed oil.

It's good to change up your skin care routine with the seasons, but this daily skin care product for acne is my daily go-to year round. Get it for just the price of shipping! | Slashed Beauty

The cream goes all over the face (or affected areas on the body) every night. Since I started using my treatment from Curology, my skin has transformed. You can see my entire journey to clear skin with them on my YouTube channel. It’s a recurring charge of $19.95/mo plus $4.95 per shipment of cream (which comes monthly). But– you can get your first month free— just pay shipping– by clicking here.

This is my go-to daily skin care product that I use year round, making my otherwise drugstore skin care routine complete.

Do you have a skin care product you use year round? Let me know in the comments below!

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