First Impression Review: The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil Collection
This past weekend, The Body Shop was holding their Buy-2-Get-2-Free OR Buy-3-Get-3-Free sale. I haven’t shopped at TBS in the longest time, and thought this sale was the perfect opportunity to check out some of their newest products, in particular: The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil collection.
One collection that instantly caught my eye was the new Tea Tree Oil line. In short, Tea Tree oil is supposedly miracle oil that can clear up blemishes, eliminate dandruff, cure the common cold, turn you into a mermaid (not really)… etc. TBS Tea Tree Oil line is targeted for blemished skin, and has received rave reviews.
Because of the sale, I was able to pick up four of the products from the collection. The ones I paid for were the Tea Tree Squeaky Clean Scrub ($14) and the Tea Tree Face Mask ($15.50). The products I got free were the Tea Tree Skin Clearing Lotion (regularly $13.50) and the bottle of Tea Tree Oil (regularly $9.50). Just a note, though, TBS constantly has this sale– and even better ones– online so check their website for deals!
I’ve only been using these products for about a week, but I’d like to offer my first impressions. The first thing you’ll notice is the smell, no doubt. These products do not have any added fragrance to them, which is generally a good thing when it comes to skin care. However I just cannot get over the stench of this stuff. The best way I can describe it is wart remover and acetone. It just smells like a medical ointment… and the smell lingers on your skin for hours. I’m hoping that I can get used to it, maybe even grow to like it, but it’s just a very strong odor that I was surprised to encounter.
At first I was disappointed in the sizes of these products, but quickly learned that a little goes a long way across the board. Both the Squeaky Clean Scrub and Skin Clearing Lotion can be used in dime-sized amounts while still being able to cover your entire face.
The face mask has probably been my favorite product so far. It’s very thick in the tub and again, you only need a thin layer to reap the benefits. The best part about this mask is that it doesn’t harden, so you maintain complete functionality of your face! It left my skin feeling soft and hydrated, unlike other drying face masks. The first time I applied this, the tingling/warming sensation was overwhelming, but I got used to it and now come to enjoy it.
As far as the blemish fighting properties, I have seen some of my breakouts taming down. The blemishes that had just started to pop up when I started using this line have disappeared, but I still have my stubborn problem areas that will hopefully clear up soon. The biggest difference I see is a reduction in the redness around my blemishes, which makes them less noticeable. I’ll definitely update you when I’ve been using these a bit longer and see how they do in the long-run.

sounds good!
I’ve always wanted to try some Body Shop products! I used to get ulsers really bad on the inside of my lip and used a Tea Tree oil to help clear it up – DISGUSTING but very effective so I can totally believe how unpleasant it must be to have your skin smell like it for a few hours, eh. Still sounds like a great prouduct! I’m a sucker for skin care.
I’ve heard great things about tea tree oil and love how cheap these are. However, I’m not sure I could handle the smell =/
I have always heard great things about the Tea Tree range but i was told as a young child that I was allergic to tea tree so I have avoided it. I wonder if I have grown out of the allergy though?
That is possible! For me it has been the opposite, as I get older I discover new allergies to things that I used to love (like kiwi… but I’ll never stop eating it!)
I use The Body Shop Tea Tree to lighten acne spots. It takes time but it works.
I really like some of The Body Shop products and my husband is head over heels for their strawberry scented shower gel. 🙂
I’ve heard good things about tea tree oil from the Body Shop. I’ve never used it myself.