My Springtime Self Care Goals

This post was sponsored by Olay. All opinions are my own.

Does anyone else get in a funk during winter? It’s so easy to switch into hibernation mode, eat all the sweets and just sorta slack on adulting… at least for me it is. But now that Spring has officially sprung, it’s time to get into gear.

But here’s the thing: self-care doesn’t just mean making time for bubble baths and do-nothing days where you binge Netflix for hours. Self-care also means making choices to improve your health, which will give you the biggest #GlowUp of all. Establishing healthy habits now will also make life so much easier (and probably more enjoyable!) in the future.

Self care is more than bubble baths. Check out my springtime self care goals with my health, skin care and fitness. | Slashed Beauty

Since we got back from our honeymoon at the beginning of February, I’ve really been trying to incorporate more healthy habits into my daily routine. From my skin care routine to my workout routine, I’m sure you’ve noticed if you’ve been following me on social media.

To keep myself accountable, I wanted to share the steps I’m taking to care for myself in a meaningful way. I’d love to hear about your goals in the comments!

Self care is more than bubble baths. Check out my springtime self care goals with my health, skin care and fitness. | Slashed Beauty

I’m drinking like a fish. I always emphasize the importance of drinking enough water throughout the day, but do I practice what I preach? I always have a water bottle on my desk, and my bedside table, but sometimes I’m not as diligent about refilling it to hit my daily quota. So recently, I’ve been tracking my water intake on my smartwatch. Not only does this give me a way to audit myself, but it reminds me throughout the day to drink more. Since being more mindful about my water intake, my skin has been looking clearer already!

Self care is more than bubble baths. Check out my springtime self care goals with my health, skin care and fitness. | Slashed Beauty

I’m using more hydrating products head to toe. This was my first winter in the desert and holy cow, do I need to use more moisture in my life. You all know that I’ve been using Olay moisturizers in my skin care routine, which has done really well for my skin thus far. I thought I’d explore some of their new cleanser releases to see if they could do the same for the rest of my body! I discovered their new facial cleanser, the Olay Cleansing Infusion Hydrating Glow Facial Cleanser with Deep Sea Kelp & Aloe Extract.

Self care is more than bubble baths. Check out my springtime self care goals with my health, skin care and fitness. | Slashed BeautySelf care is more than bubble baths. Check out my springtime self care goals with my health, skin care and fitness. | Slashed Beauty

I’ve used it a few times thus far and it seems to be doing really well with my combo skin that’s been leaning dry lately. It has a creamy formula that doesn’t strip my skin or leave it parched after rinsing off. It’s supposed to improve my skin as I wash with the biorenewing hydrators that act like my skin’s natural lipids. It’s been clinically proven to enhance the skin’s radiance after just one use, and I can definitely see my glow beaming already.

Self care is more than bubble baths. Check out my springtime self care goals with my health, skin care and fitness. | Slashed Beauty

For the rest of my body, I’m using a cleanser from the same line: the Olay Cleansing Infusion Hydrating Glow Body Wash with Deep Sea Kelp. With the same benefits for the rest of my skin, I can say later gator to scaly skin and admire my glow. I’ll update you after I’ve been using these for a little longer about how my skin is doing– just be sure to follow me on Instagram.

Self care is more than bubble baths. Check out my springtime self care goals with my health, skin care and fitness. | Slashed Beauty

I’m hitting the gym at least 3 times a week. My body just feels better when I’ve been acti ve that day. I sleep better, I don’t feel as bloated, and I am overall happier. I’m trying for at least three times a week, but now that Adam has a gym membership we’ve been inspiring each other to go even more often! It’s a lot easier to stick to your goals when you’ve got a partner.

I’m reading more. Despite what I said earlier, brain breaks are super important self-care, too. I’m back at my book club reading a book a month, which helps me relax before bed and force myself to step away from the screens (unless I’m reading an ebook). I can just immerse myself in another world and take a break from reality for a moment.

What do you do to care for yourself in a productive way? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to check up the Olay Cleansing Infusions at Walgreens.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Olay. The opinions and text are all mine.


  1. I run 4-5 times a week, go to the gym twice a week, play soccer once a week, try to keep up with water intake and keeping my skin clean. But time with friends and retail therapy are things that really help keep me sane.

  2. I go through phases of drinking plenty of water. I definitely need to get back into it, and taking better care of the skin on my face!

  3. I just need to put a water tracking app on my phone. Some days I do great and meet my quota, but some days I’m not so great about it. I’ve recently gotten into a funk and haven’t been as active as I should be.

  4. I’m also trying to drink more water and just get up and move more. Especially since summer is fast approaching and I’ll be busy playing volleyball, softball and doing all sorts of camping. I’ll really need my energy for all of that.

  5. Oh man, you are so cute!!! You make a pretty sexy gym bunny!! I really want to try Olay Whip but I have quite a few pricey moisturizers, one that I just opened. Dying to try a whip tho

  6. I’m getting ready to join a cookbook club that seems cool I’m excited about it! Water accountability is so helpful! I use my
    Fitbit for that!

  7. Great goals! I share two of your goals, to drink more water and workout more often. They seem simple but have been challenging for me lol

  8. I’ve been working on my steps, and walking for a mile at work during lunch (until it gets too hot…then I have to move to walking around the office in circles).

  9. I’m right there with ya! I quit drinking any caffeine last October and increased my water intake and now my skin is more hydrated. I also have gotten back into reading and read every night before bed for relaxation. When the weather gets better I’ll start my daily walks again.

  10. I’ve been using the kale cleaning infusions and ohhhhh they smell so good! I feel like it’s been a godsend in this extra dry weather.

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