Lily Cup Review & My Menstrual Cup Experience

When you think about your period, what type of emotions are triggered? Disdain, disgust, pain? What if I told you there was something that could actually make your time of month so manageable, you forget it’s even happening?

Sounds too good be true, am I right? Yet, it exists, and I wish I had started using it sooner.

Hear about my experience switching from tampons to using a menstrual cup, and my review of the Lily Cup. If you get periods, you gotta consider it!

Menstrual cups have become really popular in the past few years as an alternative to tampons and pads. The cup is to be inserted and catches your flow, only needing to be emptied once every twelve hours. It’s turned my period into an experience that isn’t as overwhelmingly awful, and keeps it from imposing on my daily routine.

Aside from being ecofriendly and more hygienic, a menstrual cup (when inserted correctly) is virtually leak proof and will save you a ton of money since it can last you a lifetime when cared for properly.

Hear about my experience switching from tampons to using a menstrual cup, and my review of the Lily Cup. If you get periods, you gotta consider it!Hear about my experience switching from tampons to using a menstrual cup, and my review of the Lily Cup. If you get periods, you gotta consider it!

I specifically use the Lily Cup, which has a unique shape to fit the space below your cervix. There were a ton of reasons why I went with this one as opposed to the many others on the market– like the spill guard to keep the flow inside, and the flexibility of the medical-grade silicone it is made out of.

Hear about my experience switching from tampons to using a menstrual cup, and my review of the Lily Cup. If you get periods, you gotta consider it!

Inserting the Lily Cup was a little difficult at first, but something I got the hang of by the second day by trying out different folds. Taking it out, on the other hand, was way easier than I thought it would be. I learned a lot about myself and my cycle by switching to a menstrual cup, and it surprised me in many ways.

Watch the video below to hear my full review of the Lily Cup along with my experience learning how the cup worked.

Overall, I will probably never go back to using tampons or pads. They’re just expensive, uncomfortable and not the best for your body or the environment.

Buy the Lily Cup on Amazon.

Let me know if you have any questions about menstrual cups or the Lily Cup in the comments!



    1. No, they don’t recommend leaving it in during sex and emphasize that it’s not a form of birth control. It would probably poke the guy with the stem anyway 😉

  1. I’ve always wondered about menstrual cups but I’ve never tried one. I don’t even know where to get one here, actually… I’m intrigued though, especially since you can leave it in for 12 hours! That’s so much more effective than tampons.

    1. If you have Amazon, clicking the link above or in the video description will take you to the page to buy! You can also get it from their official website:

      I know they also sell the Diva Cup at Target (another type of menstrual cup) but I had heard the Lily Cup is better.

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