The Disposable Razors that Don’t Feel Disposable: BIC® Soleil® Glow®

This post was sponsored by BIC® through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about BIC® Soleil® Glow® Razor, all opinions are my own.

Nine times out of ten, when I run to the drugstore to buy new razors, I go the disposable route. I keep my razors in pretty good shape, so one disposable can last me about a month or longer… depending on the season 😉

I'm always buying disposable razors because they're so much cheaper than cartridges... but I've finally found one that doesn't actually feel disposable. Click through for my review of the BIC® Soleil® Glow® razors, with features you'd expect from fancier models! | Slashed Beauty

With disposable razors usually come a few downsides though; many skimp on blades or just don’t glide on the skin. Not the brightest way to start a morning shower, or the most relaxing for my fellow night shower-ers out there (represent!). Well I’ve finally found a disposable razor that not only creates your own shower sun with the bright handles, but actually do their job well.

I'm always buying disposable razors because they're so much cheaper than cartridges... but I've finally found one that doesn't actually feel disposable. Click through for my review of the BIC® Soleil® Glow® razors, with features you'd expect from fancier models! | Slashed Beauty

The BIC® Soleil® Glow® razors are what have been in my shower lately. They come in a three pack, which will last me a couple months and some change. They each have three blades that are flexible to contour to your body’s curves, along with the pivoting head for extra control and comfort. The razors come in pretty pastel pink, purple and green rubber grip handles which lets you bring some sunny color into the dreary months.

I'm always buying disposable razors because they're so much cheaper than cartridges... but I've finally found one that doesn't actually feel disposable. Click through for my review of the BIC® Soleil® Glow® razors, with features you'd expect from fancier models! | Slashed Beauty width=

The razor’s COMFORT SHIELD® head threw me off at first, with its wide plastic border around the blades. At first I was asking myself what’s the point? Then I realized that the shield actually helps distribute pressure evenly, which keeps me safe from the blades and helps prevent irritation. I get to worry less about pressing too hard on accident, and daily shaving doesn’t leave my skin red or bumpy.

I'm always buying disposable razors because they're so much cheaper than cartridges... but I've finally found one that doesn't actually feel disposable. Click through for my review of the BIC® Soleil® Glow® razors, with features you'd expect from fancier models! | Slashed Beauty

The real question, though, is how well these do to get a close shave. I’m happy to report that my skin is feeling super smooth after using these. The pivoting head really helps it glide over the natural curves of the body with no problems, and the blades really get everything in one stroke, so the process goes much quicker than other disposables.

All in all, if you are strapped for cash but can’t afford to sacrifice smooth skin and a flawless shave, grab a pack of the BIC® Soleil® Glow® Razors for $6.99 at your local drugstore. Aside from being as effective as cartridge razors I’ve used, I love the colors they come in which make them feel personalized and bring memories of sunny days to my fall and winter showers.

Are you a disposables or a cartridge razor type of person?



  1. LMFAO depending on the season. Girl, preach to your hairy legged sistah. I’ve been doing the waxing route because I’m even lazier than usual.

  2. I am a cartridge razor (Venus Breeze, specifically) person, but I’m so thrilled at having to shave less ever since I began laser hair removal!

  3. I use these at work when I have to shave my clients because they don’t scratch up the skin much. Best women’s razor ever!

  4. I use these!! They’re such fancy disposables that I have that little nagging in my head that says I should find a way to replace the blades. I hate getting rid of one, lol

  5. I usually use cartridge razors because my experience with disposables has not been very good! These actually look like nice razors! I like to travel with disposables, and I keep some individually wrapped ones in my guest bathroom.

  6. I get these when I need a back up to my cartridge razor’s runs out and I can’t get the heads on time or don’t have the in my budget. My mom got a big supply of these at Costco’s and we keep them as a back up in our home. They are a great razor they don’t bother my sensitive skin. They are truly a great razor to have, also a tip the more razors you have the less skin irritation you will have in your razor. They also makes these in a mini version great for travel.


    1. Yes! Extra blades means less passes and less irritation which is why these are great! I’ll have to look out for them at Costco… good tip!

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