Even Celebrities Don’t Want to See Photoshopped Versions of Themselves

Today in why-would-you-even-do-that news, an unnamed photo editor retouched an image of MMA fighter Ronda Rousey from her appearance on “The Tonight Show” with Jimmy Fallon without her knowing.

Rousey was sent the image to help promote the show, which she shared on her Instagram page.

A photo posted by rondarousey (@rondarousey) on

Fans soon started responding to the image, questioning why her physique seemed a little… thinner than usual. Soon after, the unaltered image surfaced showing that the published photo had been edited to shrink Rousey’s arms and face.

Rousey quickly turned around and posted a side-by-side comparison, turning the situation into a learning experience for everyone:

“I have to make an apology to everyone,” she starts the caption, as she goes on to explain she was unaware of the retouching, done with “severely misplaced positive intensions.”

“I am extremely proud of every inch of my body.”

Rousey has previously spoken out against criticisms received about her body making her masculine. Her response to the body shaming she has faced can be heard in the UFC’s 190 Embedded vlog series on YouTube, where she classifies her body as “femininely bad-ass as fuck, because there’s not a single muscle on my body that isn’t for a purpose.”

This isn’t the first time celebrities have taken to social media to call out altered images of themselves. Back in March of 2014, Lorde took it upon herself to share two snapshots from a performance, one showing flawless and airbrushed skin while the other reveals that even A-list singers have to deal with problem areas.

More recently, gorgeous 19-year-old CoverGirl Zendaya was “shocked” when images from a photoshoot were released showing her torso, hips and legs drastically shrunk down.

“These are the things that make women self conscious, that create the unrealistic ideals of beauty that we have,” she preached when sharing the original photo alongside the final product.

A photo posted by Zendaya (@zendaya) on

With more celebrities taking a stand against unrealistic portrayals of themselves and what’s considered beautiful, we’re definitely seeing small steps being taken to create a more body positive atmosphere in the media. Social media has a big part to play in this, since the stars can get around media gatekeeprs and speak directly with their fans about the truth in the images they see. With leading ladies like Mindy Kaling and Amy Schumer stealing the spotlight, women who don’t fit into the traditional status quo (I’m raising my hand), have role models that prove you don’t have to look a certain way to be successful and loved.

For more information on women’s representation in media and the effects of photoshopped bodies, I highly suggest the Killing Us Softly film series and Miss Representation, both must-watch documentaries for women everywhere. At least in this Women Studies minor‘s opinion. 😉

What else do you think celebrities can do to help the body positivity cause?



  1. I don’t even understand how there’s this stigma surrounding Rhonda Rousey that she’s overweight (or, not thin enough). It’s ridiculous! She’s very thin (but in a healthy, strong fit way). It’s flipping amazing and ridiculous. I LOVE that women, famous or not, are starting to fight this garbage! 😀

    1. Seriously though! I think it more has to do with the fact that having a muscular build isn’t considered feminine– when that’s completely ridiculous. Either way, everyone should get out of everyone else’s body business!

  2. I am so happy to see more and more people in positions of influence speaking out against such drastic photo editing. In almost every case, the original image is more appealing than the Photoshopped version.

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