Chia Water: The Benefits of Chia Seeds without the Seeds

I’m always on the hunt for delicious ways to stay healthy. I like incorporating tasty “super foods” into my diet (I’m obsessed with avocado and sweet potatoes), but one that has eluded me until now has been the chia seed. What could these tiny particles possibly offer as far as nutrition?

Chia Water: The Benefits of Chia Seeds without the Seeds | Slashed Beauty

To answer the question simply: A LOT. Chia seeds, which take the form of small black and white granules, contain a range of nutrients including calcium (for a healthy heart & bones), omega-3 fats (amazing for your skin and hair), fiber (for a healthy metabolism & digestion), and protein along with other antioxidants. They have the ability to help the body regulate carbs and sugars, which can potentially treat type-2 diabetes, and combat belly fat. Two tablespoons (1 oz) account for one serving of chia seeds… and check out how much this small amount packs:

Calories: 138
Total Fat: 9 g (13%)
Saturated Fat: 1 g (4%)
Polyunsaturated fat: 7 g
Monounsaturated fat: .07 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 5 mg
Potassium: 115 mg (3%)
Carbohydrates: 12 g (4%)
Dietary Fiber: 10 g (40%)
Protein: 4.7 g (9%)
Calcium: 17%
Iron: 12%
Magnesium: 23%

There are a ton of different ways to incorporate chia seeds into your diet, from adding them to smoothies to stirring them into yogurt. They’re pretty tasteless and crunchy when dry, but turn gelatinous when soaked in liquid. Either way, the texture could take some getting used to. That’s why I take advantage of the benefits with my latest obsession: Chia Water.

Chia Water: The Benefits of Chia Seeds without the Seeds | Slashed Beauty

Xiomega Chia Water is a tasty, natural beverage that gives you the benefits of chia seeds without the actual seeds. Each bottle contains 320 mg of Omega-3, 40% of the daily value of B complex vitamins, and as much fiber as a small apple– all harnessed from real chia seeds. Not to mention, the flavors are delicious and taste like light, freshly squeezed juices. Mango Passion is definitely my favorite, with the Mixed Berries coming in second. Both are incredibly refreshing, and can also tame a sweet tooth while doling out a ton of healthy goodness. I typically drink them throughout the day for a little boost of energy, or to recharge after working out.

Chia Water: The Benefits of Chia Seeds without the Seeds | Slashed Beauty

Chia Water has been the only way I’ve worked chia into my diet, which I’m totally fine with. They’re available at Sprout’s, Stater Bros, and Gelson’s Markets. I’ll keep on drinking them until I become brave enough to experiment with the texture of the seeds… and even then, I’ll probably still sip on these regularly.

How do you get your chia seed fix?



  1. Very interesting! I just saw someone post about Chia in skincare so this must be the new miracle product?!

  2. The water sounds like something I could totally handle! I really need to get healthy. Most of the “superfoods” I don’t like… the avocado and sweet potatoes (unless in fry form lol) aren’t good to me = I probably just need to suck it up but then I have kids that get their pizza and I’m over here like pizzaaaa nom nom nom

  3. So, this will probably sound dumb but I didn’t realize that you could eat them. Do you know if Chia is gluten free?

  4. I want to try those drinks – I’m gonna search my local Wholefoods. I love to put chia seeds in my green juice.

  5. I’ve been interested in Chia seeds but I know that I wouldn’t be able to get past the texture issue in a million years. This water sounds like something I could dig. Now, sweet potatoes and avocados? Yes, please!

  6. I also would love to try chia seeds, but I already know that I don’t like gelatinous textures. It makes me gag. The water looks good, but it’s still not as good as the chia seeds themselves. I’ll just keep eating sweet potatoes (haha, I also looove me some sweet potates!) 😀

  7. I love the Mama Chia squeeze tub snacks. They look like baby food but they are a cross between gelatin and a smoothie. I put them in the fridge and they make a great healthy snack. I’ll def be on the look out for Chia Water too.

      1. I’m so not a gelatin fan either. I can’t find the right way to describe this. It’s almost like tiny boba in a fruit smoothie. Target carries the Mama Chia snacks and depending on your location sometimes they go on sale or clearance.

  8. Chia seeds takes some getting used to because of the texture. There were these chia bars I used to eat that were really good.

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