3 Easy Make-Ahead Healthy Sweet Snacks

I don’t know about you, but my sweet tooth is really hard to kick after the holidays. Especially after dinner when it’s Netflix time, my snack senses start tingling! Instead of binging on junk food mindlessly, I’ve tried to think up healthy sweet snacks that incorporate fruit. That way, my craving for sugar is kept at bay without throwing my health goals out the window.

Try out these three quick make-ahead healthy sweet snacks when you have your next sweet tooth! Get the recipes. | Slashed Beauty

These three recipes are great healthy sweet snack options for kids and adults to keep things on the lighter side. Plus, they’re incredibly easy to throw together. A couple of them require a little waiting, but they’ll give you a few servings (or you can share).

1. Fruity Chia Seed Pudding Recipe

Fruity Chia Seed Pudding: Try out these three quick make-ahead healthy sweet snacks when you have your next sweet tooth! Get the recipes. | Slashed Beauty

Chia seeds are a major superfood— have you incorporated them in your own diet yet? They’re packed with Omega-3s, fiber and antioxidants to fuel your body, and it’s easy to add them to simple recipes! This “pudding” is sort of like a thicker smoothie bowl with more texture.

Ingredients (Makes 2 servings):

  • 1/2 cup frozen fruit mix
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1/2 cup chia seeds (Get them on Amazon!)

Stick blenders are great for this small-batch recipe to reduce clean-up!


  1. Blend the frozen fruit with the almond milk until smooth with a stick blender.
  2. Add the honey, blend until combined.
  3. Stir in chia seeds.
  4. Let the mixture sit in the fridge for at least an hour as the chia seeds thicken up the consistency.
  5. After it’s no longer runny, it’s ready to eat!

2. Blueberry Yogurt Bites Recipe

Blueberry Yogurt Bites: Try out these three quick make-ahead healthy sweet snacks when you have your next sweet tooth! Get the recipes.  | Slashed Beauty

These are so easy to make, and help me out when I’m specifically craving ice cream. They’re sort of like a combination of a popsicle and frozen yogurt. Perfect to pop in the summertime!


  • Fresh blueberries
  • Greek yogurt (any flavor)


  1. Stir Yogurt until blended.
  2. Add blueberries to yogurt a handful at a time. Submerge and coat them in the yogurt.
  3. Fish the blueberries out with a fork, making sure they stay coated.
  4. Place the blueberries on a baking sheet, then stick them in the freezer for an hour.
  5. Enjoy!

3. Spiced Apple & Peanut Butter Slices Recipe

Spiced Apple & Peanut Butter Snack: Try out these three quick make-ahead healthy sweet snacks when you have your next sweet tooth! Get the recipes.  | Slashed Beauty

This is a fast, healthy snack that’s absolutely perfect for kids… though it’s one of my favorites when I need a quick fix.


  • Apples
  • Ground Cinnamon
  • Ground Nutmeg
  • Creamy Peanut Butter


  1. Slice the apples and place into a bowl.
  2. Sprinkle the cinnamon and nutmeg over the apples. I eyeball the amount— you really want it to just be a dusting, nothing too crazy.
  3. Using your hands or a spoon, toss the apples in the bowl to evenly coat them in the spices.
  4. Either on the side or in the bowl, scoop about a tablespoon of peanut butter to use as a dip.

Be sure to check out my favorite healthy snacks that are easy to pack, too!

What healthy snacks and desserts do you enjoy when you have a sweet tooth?


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