What is Retinol For? Why You Should Start Using It Now.

There are a lot of new “it” ingredients in skincare that come and go with the seasons, claiming to do everything from A to Z. But there’s still one that takes the cake in proven results that are backed up by science, and that’s retinol.

What is retinol for? Discover what this wonder-ingredient does for your skin, you'll be surprised how many skin concerns it can help with! | Slashed Beauty

Luckily, retinol is available in a ton of over-the-counter skin care products that you can pick up affordably at the drugstore now. It’s best to use it at night (since it breaks down in the sun) and should be stored in opaque, air-tight containers. One retinol product that came across my desk was the Skin+Pharmacy Advanced Anti-Aging Therapy Restoring Retinol Treatment Wipes from CVS. They contain retinol and hyaluronic acid to tackle a slew of skin concerns.

Retinol, which is a derivative of vitamin A, is the anti-aging holy grail for many women because of its effectiveness in reversing sun damage and aging. As we get older, skin cells tend to pile up and cell turnover slows. Retinol helps normalize the cell rejuvenation process and help your skin look fresher, younger and more radiant.

What is retinol for? Discover what this wonder-ingredient does for your skin, you'll be surprised how many skin concerns it can help with! | Slashed Beauty

The wonder ingredient also helps unclog blocked pores and is used to treat acne and also works to even out skin tone, fighting hyperpigmentation and dark spots. That’s something that I personally struggle with, because even when my blemishes clear up my skin looks far from clear due to the discoloration left behind.

Retinol also works as an antioxidant, protecting your skin against free radicals that cause signs of aging like wrinkles, and increasing collagen production to reverse signs that have already showed up.

These Skin+Pharmacy wipes also contain hyaluronic acid, which is a molecule your body contains that binds water to provide moisture and firmness to the skin. This addition helps hydrate but also balance your skin’s moisture barrier.

All in all, this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what retinol can do for you. I’ve started using products containing retinol in my early twenties as preventative care, because it’s always easier to stop something from happening than to do damage control.

What is retinol for? Discover what this wonder-ingredient does for your skin, you'll be surprised how many skin concerns it can help with! | Slashed Beauty

If you’re pregnant or already on acne medication, you shouldn’t add retinol to your skin care routine. Otherwise, start slowly in incorporating it into your regimen.

I get my retinol through my Curology membership, which gives me online access to a certified dermatologist and unlimited bottles of acne medication sent directly to you for only $20/mo. You can consult with your assigned dermatologist any time you want via online chat so they can get a better idea of how to customize your prescription. The medication they send contains tretinoin, which is a stronger version of retinol.

If you want to go the over-the-counter route, definitely try these Skin+Pharmacy Advanced Anti-Aging Therapy Restoring Retinol Treatment Wipes. They’re only $19.99 for a box of 20 (to be used 1-3 times a week), and you can find them on sale frequently, since they are a CVS exclusive brand.

Have you used any retinol products?



  1. Great insight Miki, and love your article Miranda. Persons can also visit my user name for other great insights, products and natural skin care.

  2. It’s actually inaccurate that you can’t use retinol cream while pregnant or nursing. (Not your fault, those claims are all over the internet). I had a bit of a panic because I used retinol cream throughout my pregnancy, being unaware of it’s beguiling damaging effects. (I use it for acne). Thus I asked my doctor about it and I did research online. It’s the pill form of Vitamin A/Retinoid that you cannot consume, topically retinol is actually safe to use on your skin. No toxic levels (or any at all) reaches the fetus/baby. Phew!

      1. No prob! I literally almost flew into a panic at the end of my pregnancy when I randomly read something online about retinol and pregnancy. I never even considered retinol to be a concern while pregnant. Talk about a panic. Needless to say, I’m very relieved 🙂 And baby is perfect 😉

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