The Benefits of Garlic for Hair

Anyone who’s eaten in my kitchen knows how much I love garlic. Let’s just say I’m not worried about vampires AT ALL. I’m aware of the health benefits of garlic, like contributing to a healthy heart and healthy cholesterol, and its cancer preventing powers. But I never knew what it could do for hair until I was introduced to Nora Ross Garlic Shampoo & Conditioner.

The Benefits of Garlic for Hair | Slashed Beauty

The benefits of garlic for hair are pretty cool. It is hailed for halting hair loss and supporting hair growth by fortifying the roots. Its anti-microbial properties and sulfur content thoroughly cleanse the scalp and can help treat dandruff and itchiness— something that I personally struggle with. Because sulfur is also naturally found in keratin (what your hair is made of), it’s safe to say that it helps the overall health and texture of your locks, too. On top of that, the selenium in garlic aids your body in using vitamin E to keep your hair hydrated and shiny.

Overall, garlic is full of vitamins and minerals that contribute to keeping your scalp and hair healthy.

The Benefits of Garlic for Hair | Slashed Beauty

So it should be obvious by now why garlic in shampoo is a thing. I’ll admit, as someone who not only deals with dandruff, an itchy scalp, as well as extreme shedding, I was all in for trying it. First things first: I can assure you that it does not smell like garlic in the least bit. The Nora Ross Garlic Shampoo and Conditioner has a refreshing herbal scent that leaves you smelling clean… not like an Italian dinner.

The Benefits of Garlic for Hair | Slashed Beauty

I’ve been using the garlic shampoo and conditioner as my stand-bys since the beginning of March. I’m not sure I’ve ever had a shampoo and conditioner leave my hair feeling so soft and hydrated, yet so… light. I could literally feel the difference in how cleansed my scalp was. I was able to absorb all of the benefits with absolutely no residue left behind. After I stepped out of the shower I was like, “Oh… is this how clean hair is supposed to feel!?”

As a beauty blogger, it’s part of the job to try a bunch of different hair products: shampoos, conditioners, creams, serums, styling sprays galore. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of products that I’ve found and love, making my hair feel and look great. But most of my favorite moisturizing products leave a sort of coated feeling that I never even noticed until I washed my hair with the garlic shampoo and it was gone. After playing with different products to experiment with textures and styles, it’s nice to be able to get a good cleansing, and have my hair back to it’s natural state.

The Benefits of Garlic for Hair | Slashed Beauty

While I’m still experiencing some flaking, my scalp does not feel as irritated as it normally does this time of year. I’ve also seen a significant reduction in shedding, both in and out of the shower (which Adam certainly appreciates). The texture of my hair has improved, as it feels so much softer (especially the ends) and has been more manageable, even to wear curly.

All in all, the Garlic Shampoo and Conditioner from Nora Ross have become this beauty blogger’s stand-bys when I need a fresh start.

You can discover more garlic hair products from Nora Ross on their website, or purchase them on Amazon.

Do you have any surprising ingredients in your hair care?


  1. Growing up, my mom used everything in our hair. A lot of Dominican Style hair salons use garlic products, too. Great post.

  2. Wow, I had no idea garlic was so good for hair! I’m also glad to hear it isn’t stinky lol.

  3. I had no idea it was good for hair but I love it for health reasons. Total hair envy! Yours is so beautiful.

  4. I am really curious to try this knowing how clean and light this made your hair feel. Thank you for the review.

  5. I came here specifically to see if it smells like garlic, haha, and I’m very happy to read it doesn’t! I’m willing to try anything good for my body/face/hair, but I can’t stand the smell of garlic (though I like the taste), so it definitely would’ve been a deal breaker. Now I want to try!

  6. I can’t find links for the ingredients. I have to know if it contains sulfates. Does it have the ingredients on the bottle you have? It does sound awesome! I also suffer from dandruff, because I had to stop using shampoos with sulfates in them, and since then I’ve had stupid itchy scalp blech. I love ACV, but I don’t love the smell after!! I even shampoo it out of my hair after letting it soak, and there’s still the scent of it lingering!

    1. It does have SLS and Alpha Olefin Sulfonate, so if you’re super sensitive then perhaps not for you?

      1. Thanks for letting me know! Sticking with my same routine then, lol. It’s alright it works. And it already keeps my locks super hydrated. I do the ACV rinse and then shampoo once a week. And I use Head n Shoulders Conditioner (the only one I’ve found without sulfates) every shower 🙂

  7. I’ve never heard of garlic shampoo before 😀 But I’m glad it works for you and I think your hair looks beautiful 🙂

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